Q.> How to fix call controller Log files size max out computers HDD?
Close the call controller application then delete the existing logfiles on programdata> ring central > log files> *.log . Re-run the call controller apps.
If log file is still increasing, stop the call controller and open the log file, make sure that the file size can be open using MS word.
locate the program that is continously being generated on the log file.
Most of the time its the firewall causing the issue. It is blockng the synchronization process thus generating an error message on the log file.
Else, check the event viewer to pinpoint the cause of the issue.
Work around :
open the necessary ports needed by the call controller
re-ask permission from the firewall. How? by deleting RCUI.exe on the programs trusted site or program rules. Again by deleting not allowing. it will most refresh the files permission and thus avoiding registry issues.
Feel free to make your suggestions.